
Monday, May 23, 2011


  1. Lie on back with feet flat on floor about hip-width apart, arms along sides of body, palms up.
  2. Bend knees in toward chest, and roll hips up and over until legs straighten and toes come to floor behind head. Place hands on low back for support, with fingertips facing up.
  3. Lift right leg toward ceiling, then lift left leg toward ceiling and press (straight) legs into each other. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
  4. Lower hands to floor, palms up. Roll back to floor one vertebra at a time until hips reach floor. Bend knees, place feet on floor.
Why it works: This increases blood flow to your hips and brainóan instant energy boost. "You're also physically looking at your hips," says Barrett, a reminder of your body's many physical and sexual capabilities.

  1. Lie comfortably on back. Separate arms from body to a 45-degree angle. Palms face up.
  2. Rest legs apart as wide as feels comfortable, usually 2 to 3 feet apart.
  3. Allow feet to relax and roll open. Do a mental body scan from top to bottomóare you relaxed? Release all tension from every part of body.
  4. Lie here for up to 5 minutes, letting entire body calm down.
Why it works: Some people say that savasana, which requires no physical exertion, is actually the hardest yoga pose to master. That's because you have to completely focus on the presentóno errant thoughts allowed.
"Most women's brains go to a million different places, even during sex," says Barrett. "Savasana is the best mind quieter."


It is one of the very famous asana in which the practitioner stands on the head, supported just by forearms. This asana is also known as the king of all yoga asanas.


In a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together, put your hands on your ankles, allow your knees to relax toward the floor, and hinge forward at the hips as far as is comfortable. Hold for 10 to 15 complete breaths (inhales and exhales)


You may also hear this referred to by its Sanskrit name, Mula Bandha. Seated or standing, contract and then release the pubococcygeus muscle located between the pubic bone and the tailbone, as if you wanted to stop the flow of urine. You can even do this at your desk, say, 10 times at three workday intervals.


Start in the pushup position, arms extended. Engage your abs as you lower your body slowly toward the floor. Stop when your torso is about 2 to 3 inches away. Keeping elbows in, hold there for five breaths, then lower to the floor. Repeat three times at first and build up to five.

 This is an interesting asana in which the entire weight of the body is put on the neck, the head, and upper back and upper arms. The hands are held behind the back and slowly, the legs and the lower body is raised upward.


Legs Up the Wall Change into some yoga-friendly clothes. Lie on your back with one hip touching a wall. Swing your legs up and turn your body so you face the wall, legs resting against it from heels to butt, arms at your sides. Bring your awareness to your breath and focus on it for 5 minutes. This position allows more oxygen-rich blood to flow from your lower body back up to the heart and the brain, so you'll get up reenergized, refocused, and ready to rumble.

  1. Stand in Mountain pose: Arms at sides, sternum lifted. Bend your knees deeply. Squeeze your inner thighs together and straighten your arms, lifting them above your head and stretching your fingertips toward the sky.
  2. Accentuate the lift in your arms and chest so your upper spine is in a slight backbend. Tuck your pelvis. Shoot for 10 breaths. Feel that butt-burn?
Hint: Lift your toes up off the floor, squat deeper, and press your heels into the floor to get greater benefits from the pose.


Yoga helps in improving one's sensitivity. Its breathing exercises help a person overcome his anxiety and participate in sex with a fresh vigor. When a person is relieved from tension and stress, he/she will actively participate in sexual activity. Other than this yoga helps in improving better understanding of self and surrounding leaving a person more understanding and emphatic about other's need.


Yoga helps in achieving better orgasms. Most importantly, it helps in a strengthening one's pelvic floor muscles and sex organs. Several Yoga asana are also helpful in harnessing better sexual powers. As Yoga also helps in relieving stress, it also enables to liberate muscle strain, which in turn helps in gaining flexibility.


Yoga is very helpful in accumulating energy. Several yoga asana are extremely beneficial for energy harnessing as well as gaining more endurance and fortitude. Body with endurance can retain long in sexual activity without getting tired. Thus yoga provides one with more energy to deal with sexual activities.

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